Title I
- School Family Compact
- Parent Involvement Policy
- District Parent and Family Engagement
- Annual Notice Parents Right to Know
- Notification of Testing Transparency
- What Are Title One Schools- What Does That Mean
School Family Compact
Boonesborough Elementary School Title One Compact
This compact pledges our school community to increase student reading and math skills so that all students will be successful. You deserve the best. Anything less is unacceptable. Effective schools are the results of families and school staff working together.
Parent/Guardian Pledge: I will
- Encourage my child to do his/her best in school.
- Let the teacher know if my child has any problems with learning.
- Read to or with my child frequently each week.
- Help my child see how to use reading and math to pursue his/her interests and goals.
Student Pledge: I will
- Follow my teacher’s directions and the Boonesborough PAWS for success.
- Ask for help learning when I need it.
- Work hard to be a learner and to make my school and community a better place.
Teacher Pledge: I will
- Motivate my students to do their best in school.
- Create a partnership with every family in my class and encourage parental involvement.
- Send home relevant learning materials.
- Explain my expectations, approach to teaching, and grading systems to students and parents.
- Continually work on my teaching strategies so that I can successfully teach all students.
Principal Pledge: I will
- Encourage the participants involved to follow and meet the guidelines of the school contract.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________________
Student Signature: ___________________________________________________
Teacher Signature: ___________________________________________________
Principal Signature: ___________________________________________________
Boonesborough Elementary School will ensure that each student makes one or more years of growth each
year so that every fifth grader transitions to middle school:
- On or above level academically.
- Responsible for his or her own physical, social, and emotional well-being.
- As a self-directed, life-long learner.
- Prepared to make a positive impact in the community
Parent Involvement Policy
Boonesborough Elementary School Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy
Definition of Parent
The legal definition of a “parent” is a parent, stepparent, or foster parent of a student or a person who has legal custody of a student pursuant to a court order and with whom the student resides. For the purpose of this policy, the term “parent” will be used to encompass all diverse family situations.
We commit to:
- Sharing clear information about each student’s progress with parents.
- Offering practical suggestions to parents on how they can support student learning at home and provide activities designed to successfully engage families in their children’s learning, as appropriate.
- Making representative parents and community members full partners in our decision-making.
- Facilitating the involvement of our military families, parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children.
- Seeking and supporting adult volunteers to work with and inspire our students, as well as making every effort when legally appropriate to accommodate the involvement of adults other than parents who are already involved in a student’s life.
We will honor these commitments through a school-parent compact. During an annual meeting with parents, we will review the compact with parents, ask for input and then revise, if necessary, the compact.
School-Parent Compact
Our students’ parents, families, extended families, students themselves, as well as our local community are all considered partners who share responsibilities for high student academic achievement.
Following are the responsibilities for the school, the parents, and the students:
School Responsibilities
Boonesborough Elementary School will:
- Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in an effective, supportive, and safe learning environment that enables the students to meet Kentucky’s academic standards.
- Make available on a regular basis information on our programs and the content students will learn each year.
- Send home information on student progress on a regular basis. Specifically, we will provide formal reports every 9 weeks.
- Hold parent-teacher conferences during which this compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual student’s achievement.
- Opportunities (where appropriate) will be provided for the student to participate actively in sharing information on his or her progress with his parents during these conferences.
- Provide parents reasonable access to staff. The email addresses and telephone extensions of their child’s teacher will be provided to parents to promote communication. Staff will always be available to parents by appointment for face to face conferences.
- Send home newsletters at least four times a year that include information on ways families can help students learn.
- Support an active Parent Teacher Organization. Provide a variety of opportunities for parents and family involvement in school activities including but not limited to:
a. Observing their child’s classroom activities.
b. Tutoring.
c. Assisting with classroom activities that require more than one adult.
d. Preparing materials, mailings, refreshments, and other items needed for family and community involvement.
e. Joining our parent teacher organization and participating in its efforts to strengthen our school.
f. Volunteering along with other concerned members of our community in other areas as needed.
9.Ensure that all adult volunteers working in our school and with our students are subject to board policy and state law regarding criminal record checks, as applicable.
The Family Resource Center will share responsibility for student achievement by:
- Surveying families at least once a year to learn what services and activities would most help them support their children as learners.
- Offering a well-planned, well-publicized menu of activities and programs to meet those needs.
Parent Responsibilities
Parents are asked to:
- Monitor attendance.
- Become familiar with and support the school and individual classrooms’ homework policies and show interest with questions about and comments on the schoolwork their children bring home.
- Make sure homework is completed.
- Assist their child with time management.
- Participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to their child’s education.
- Stay in close communication with teachers and the school about their child’s education by promptly reading all notices and surveys from the school or the school district and responding if necessary.
- To the extent possible, volunteer, serve on the school council, attend School Based Decision Making Council meetings, and comment on draft policies and plans as they are made.
Student Responsibilities
With support from parents, students are asked to:
- Attend school as regularly as possible.
- Follow the school and classroom behavior standards.
Policy Evaluation
We will evaluate the effectiveness of this policy through our school improvement
planning process.
Date Adopted:
Date Reviewed or Revised: _September 2020___
District Parent and Family Engagement
Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy Curriculum and Instruction 08.13451
August 14, 2024
This Policy and the plan to implement it have been developed jointly and in agreement with, and will be distributed to, parents and family members of students participating in the Title I program. Parents and family shall be notified of the policy in an understandable and uniform
format and, to the extent practicable, provided in a language that recipients can understand. This Policy shall be made available to the local community and updated periodically to meet the changing needs of parents and family, and the school.
Contingent on confirmation of resources and other necessary information being provided by state and federal authorities, it is the intent of the Board that parents and family of participating students shall be provided with flexible opportunities for organized, ongoing, and timely
participation in the planning, review, and improvement of the Title I program, including opportunities to suggest modifications, based on changing needs of parents, family and the schools.
All comments indicating parent and family dissatisfaction with the Title I plan shall be collected and submitted along with the plan to the Department of Education.
The Title I program shall be designed to assist students to acquire the capacities and achieve the goals established by law, as well as the goals and standards established by the Board. Consistent with law and policy covering student records confidentiality, these goals and standards shall be shared with parents and family in a manner that will give them: (1) timely information about programs; (2) a description and explanation of the school's curriculum, the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, the achievement levels in the challenging state
academic standards; the achievement level of their child on the challenging state academic standards assessments; and (3) if requested, opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate in decisions relating to the education of their children.
If the District's Title I allocation is $500,000 or more, the District shall reserve not less than one percent (1%) of its allocation for the purpose of promoting parent and family engagement and shall distribute to Title I schools not less than ninety percent (90%) of the reserved funds with
priority given to high-need schools. Parents and family of participating students shall be provided the opportunity to help decide how this portion of the Title I funds will be allotted for parent and family engagement activities.
The District will provide coordination, technical assistance, and other support necessary to assist schools in planning and implementing effective parent and family engagement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance. These measures may include,
but shall not be limited to, the following:
- Designation of resources to assist in communicating with parents and family, transporting them to meeting sites and/or implementing home visits, providing childcare for meetings, encouraging them to use available parent and family resource centers, and working with them to improve parenting skills, particularly those that will assist them in working with their child to improve his/her educational achievements. Resources may include individuals, agencies, materials, and services.
- Sharing options for coordinating and integrating Title I program strategies with services of other community programs, businesses, and agencies.
- Identification of ways in which parents and family can be engaged in staff training activities to demonstrate the value of parent and family engagement and various techniques designed to successfully engage parents and family as equal partners in their child's education.
- Making a good faith effort to convene an annual meeting at a convenient time to which all parents and family of participating children shall be invited and encouraged to attend for informing them of their school's participation in and requirements for Title I programs and of their rights to be involved.
- Designing and conducting an effective annual evaluation process whereby parents can share their ideas about the content and effectiveness of this Policy in improving the academic quality of schools receiving Title I funds, and the plan designed to implement it. The process shall focus on the following questions:
Does this Policy increase parent participation?
What barriers to parent participation still exist, and how can they be reduced or removed?
The findings produced by the annual evaluation shall be utilized to design strategies for school improvement and for revising this Policy, if necessary. - In the design of activities and materials for parents, particular attention shall be given to reaching and involving those who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background.
Each school shall submit to the Superintendent and Board, for review and comment, its Title I school parent and family engagement policy, which must meet all legal requirements, including a school-parent compact developed in keeping with legal requirements. This Policy shall be developed jointly with, and distributed by the school to, parents of participating students.
A copy of each school's parent and family engagement policy and accompanying checklist shall be kept on file in the Central Office.
Section 1118 of Improving America's Schools Act (IASA) of 1994
P. L. 114-95, (Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015)
KRS 157.077; KRS 158.645; KRS 158.6451
KRS 158.865; KRS 158.866; KRS 158.867
20 U.S.C. § 6318
03.112; 08.1345; 09.11
Adopted/Amended: 7/12/2018
Order #: 2018-2233
Annual Notice Parents Right to Know
Annual Notification Parent Right to Know
Dear Parent or Guardian:
The educators in Madison County Schools are committed to providing a quality instructional program for your child. This letter is just one of the ways of keeping you informed of the educational commitment of our schools and our district.
Our district receives federal funds for Title I, Part A programs as a part of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Under ESSA, you have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of your child’s teacher(s). If you request this information, the district
will provide you with the following:
- Whether the teacher has met the state requirements for licensure and certification for the grade levels and subject matters in which the teacher provides instruction;
- Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which state qualification or licensing criteria have been waived;
- The baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree; and
- Whether your child is provided services by paraeducators, and if so, their qualifications.
If you would like to request this information, please contact Gina Hall by phone at 859-624- 4500 or by email Gina Hall.
Please include your child’s name, the name of the school your child attends, the names of your child’s teacher(s) and an address or email address where the information may be sent. Thank you for your interest and involvement in your child’s education.
Gina Hall
Human Resources Associate Director
Notification of Testing Transparency
Notification of Testing Transparency
Dear Parent or Guardian:
Sections 1112(e)(2)(A)-(B) of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires the following regarding testing transparency.
(A) IN GENERAL. – At the beginning of each school year, a local educational agency that receives funds under this part shall notify the parents of each student attending any school receiving funds under this part that the parents may request, and the local educational agency will provide the parents on request (and in a timely manner), information regarding any State or local educational agency policy regarding student participation in any assessments mandated by section 1111(b)(2) and by the State or local educational agency, which shall include a policy, procedure, or parental right to opt the child out of such assessment, where applicable.
(B) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. – Subject to subparagraph (C), each local educational agency that receives funds under this part shall make widely available through public means (including by posting in a clear and easily accessible manner on the local educational agency’s website and, where practicable, on the website of each school served by the local educational agency) for each grade served by the local educational agency, information on each assessment required by the State to comply with section 1111, other assessments required by the State, and where such
information is available and feasible to report, assessments required districtwide by the local educational agency, including—
(i) the subject matter assessed;
(ii) the purpose for which the assessment is designed and used;
(iii) the source of the requirement for the assessment; and
(iv) where such information is available—(I) the amount of time students will spend taking the assessment, and the schedule for the assessment; and
(II) the time and format for disseminating results.
Information about these requirements can be found on the Kentucky Department of Education’s Assessments webpage. For further questions or to obtain a hard copy of this material please direct your inquiry to Steve Case, District Assessment Coordinator.
What Are Title One Schools- What Does That Mean
What is Title I?
- It is the largest federally funded educational program.
- Provides supplemental funds to assist in meeting student’s educational goals.
How Title I Works
- Federal Title I funds are allocated to states and then to school districts.
- School districts identify schools that are eligible to receive funds.
Types of Title I Programs
- Schoolwide Program Schools with 40% or more of its students from low-income families can develop schoolwide Title I programs to serve all students. Schoolwide programs can combine Title I funds with federal, state, and local funds to improve school programs.
- Targeted Assistance Programs Schools with 35-39% of its students from low-income families can have a Targeted Assistance Program. These schools will work out a plan to make sure that children served by Title I meet Kentucky’s achievement standards. Targeted Assistance Programs cannot combine federal, state, and local funds.
Title I School Goals
- Identify student needs
- Improve classroom instruction
- Help students master Kentucky Academic Standards
- Increase Parent Involvement
Ways Title I Funds Are Used
- Improving curriculum
- Instructional Activities
- Technology
- Additional Staff Salaries
- Staff Professional Development
- Parent Engagement
Family Involvement
- The School-Family compact states the goals and responsibilities of students, parents/families, and schools.
- The Parent-Family Engagement Policy helps parents understand and take part in the school’s efforts.
Better Together We need YOU!
- Attend School Events
- Visit your child’s classroom
- Volunteer to help
- Join Parent Organizations
- Attend parent/teacher conferences
- Stay in contact with your child’s teacher by email, phone, or notes